The Engaged Voice in Vocal Technique: How to Avoid It and Improve Your Voice.

The engaged voice or engolada voice is a term that refers to a type of vocal emission that occurs when the vocal cords are excessively tense in the throat, and the sound appears to emanate from the back of the mouth. This type of vocal production can be detrimental to vocal health and result in an unattractive sound quality. In vocal technique, it is important to learn how to avoid the engaged voice and achieve a clearer and more resonant tone.
How is the engaged voice produced? The engaged voice occurs when the vocal cords are overly tense due to poor vocal coordination. This can be caused by various factors, such as a lack of relaxation, improper breathing, or poor positioning of the tongue and jaw. When the vocal cords are overly tense, the sound is negatively affected and is perceived as unnatural.
The problems with the engaged voice The engaged voice not only sounds unattractive but can also lead to vocal fatigue and long-term damage to the vocal cords. Singers and speakers who use the engaged voice often tire more quickly and may experience issues such as hoarseness and voice loss. Therefore, it is essential to address this issue in vocal technique.

How to avoid the engaged voice.
1. Vocal relaxation: Relaxation is key to avoiding the engaged voice. Before singing or speaking in public, perform vocal relaxation exercises to release any tension in the throat and facial muscles.
2. Proper breathing: Proper breathing is essential for healthy vocal technique. Learn to breathe deeply from the diaphragm rather than shallow breathing from the chest.
3. Tongue and jaw positioning: Keep the tongue relaxed at the bottom of the mouth and avoid pressing it against the palate. The jaw should also be relaxed to allow for better airflow.
4. Vocalization: Practice vocalization exercises to improve coordination between your vocal cords and resonators. This will help you produce a clearer and more resonant sound.

Improving your vocal tone Overcoming the engaged voice is an important step in improving your vocal tone. As you learn to relax, breathe correctly, and coordinate your vocal cords, you will notice a significant improvement in the quality of your voice. Your tone will become clearer and more resonant, allowing you to communicate more effectively and expressively.
In summary, the engaged voice is a common issue in vocal technique that can be detrimental to vocal health and sound quality. However, with practice and proper attention to relaxation, breathing, and vocal coordination, it is possible to overcome this issue and achieve a more attractive and healthy vocal tone. If you wish to improve your vocal technique, consider working with a vocal coach or speech therapist who can provide guidance and specific exercises tailored to your voice.

Si quieres profundizar en el tema te recomiendo adquirir el Ebook HABLAR EN PÚBLICO: CURSO DE LOCUCIÓN donde te comparto mi método para el correcto entrenamiento de tu voz. Además, con tu compra, nos ayudas a seguir creando contenido de valor gratuito para la comunidad. Este ebook esta disponible en todo el mundo.

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